SPHeRE Network Autumn Seminar September 2023



Friday 29th September 2023, 2-3 pm, In-person

Venue: Debating Chamber and Phil Conversation Room,
Graduates Memorial Building (GMB), Trinity College Dublin


Engineering Better Health & Care through Civic Data and AI co-operatives

with Professor Iain Buchan


Professor of Public Health and Clinical Informatics, Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Innovation, University of Liverpool. >25y HealthTech experience. Raised ~£200m in research activity and published ~350 works, including software, and patents. Recently led the world’s first evaluation of mass rapid antigen testing, risk-mitigated reopening of mass events for UK COVID-19 responses. Founded the UK’s first Civic Data Cooperative. Previously founded Manchester’s health informatics research centre. Qualified in pharmacology, medicine, public health, statistics, and informatics. Fellow of American College of Medical Informatics, NIHR Senior Investigator, recipient of Faculty of Public Health Alwyn-Smith medal and Royal Statistical Society Florence Nightingale Award.