Abstract Submission for the SPHeRE Network 11th Annual Conference 2025


The SPHeRE Network 11th Annual Conference will be held on Tuesday 4th March 2025 in RCSI.

The 2025 Conference theme is ‘Translating research to health policy and system change’

You can find the SPHeRE Network 11th Annual Conference details below:

Conference details

While fit with the conference theme is important, it is not intended that any submission be excluded on these grounds.

Delegates who would like to orally present their work as a presentation are invited to submit an abstract for consideration by the Scientific Committee.  Please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Successful applicants will be required to submit their PowerPoint slide in advance of the conference and will be expected to attend in person.
  2. Presentations will be 20 minutes in total including Q&A.

Furthermore, we will also be accepting posters which will be presented in a gallery format on the  SPHeRE website and in-person at the SPHeRE Conference.

Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract submission will close on Thursday 12th December 2024 at 12 noon

Information for authors

Please read this information carefully before proceeding to the online submission form. All abstracts must be submitted online using the abstract submission form. Abstracts submitted by e-mail, etc. will not be considered.

  • A limit of 250 words applies. Abstracts of greater than 250 words will be automatically truncated.
  • The title entered on the submission form will be used as the presentation title.
  • The corresponding author (Author 1) is responsible for the abstract content. This author is the contact person for submission and communication purposes and is also responsible for disseminating information related to the abstract to the co-authors.
  • Please ensure your abstract does not contain spelling, grammar, or scientific mistakes, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted in the conference abstract book. Linguistic accuracy is your responsibility. No proofreading will be done.
  • No changes can be made to the abstract after the submission deadline.
  • Please do not submit an abstract if none of the authors intend to attend the online conference, as we may ask that speakers are present for a live Q&A session after each of the pre-recorded sessions.
  • It is understood that only fully registered delegates can proceed to present at the conference.


 Abstracts should include the following information*:

The background should provide information that is useful for introducing your research and that makes clear to the reader why you are asking your research question. Objectives should clearly indicate the research question and objectives of the study and its importance.

Methods should contain sufficient information to be able to understand the experimental design, the analytical techniques and the statistics used in the study.

Results should contain objective data to answer the research question. It should describe the results obtained based on the methods used.

The conclusion should provide only conclusions of the study directly supported by the results, along with implications for policy or practice, avoiding speculation and overgeneralization.

*Please note: For policy abstracts, you may replace the above headings as follows:

  • ‘Methods’ may be replaced with ‘Use of evidence base’
  • ‘Results’ may be replaced with ‘Key policy design/implications’

Tables, references, images and graphics may NOT be included. Abbreviations should be defined.

After submission

  • The corresponding author will be notified by the email address provided during submission whether their abstract has been accepted.
  • As there are limits on the number of oral presentations due to the online format, some abstracts submitted for oral presentation may be offered as a poster that can be viewed in a gallery section on the SPHeRE website and in person at the conference.
  • Details on poster format and full presentation guidelines will be included in the notification email.
  • Any change of the presenting author needs to be communicated in writing.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at sphereconference@gmail.com