Project Area: Population health research
Project Summary
Although patients with mental health disorders are at high risk of cardiovascular disease, increasing evidence suggests risk factors for the condition are less likely to be assessed and managed. With the establishment of structured chronic disease management and prevention programmes in Ireland, general practice is well placed to address this problem.
The team involved in this project contains experts from the areas of General Practice, Nursing & Midwifery, Public Health Psychiatry who will work closely with the Health Services Executive and the Irish Heart Foundation to ensure the project addresses this important area. In collaboration with the Foundation and the HSE, our team has evaluated a person-centred initiative under the Sláintecare framework and the Chronic Disease Management Programme, which identifies patients at high risk of developing CVD and supports them in adopting healthier lifestyles and has shown this to be feasible, acceptable to both patients and care providers, and likely effective in improving clinical outcomes and health behaviours.
However, critical knowledge gaps remain regarding the barriers and facilitators to identifying and addressing cardiovascular risk among patients with mental disorders in primary care. This project aims to address these gaps through a comprehensive programme of research, including evidence synthesis, cross-sectional surveys, qualitative interviews, which will inform an intervention that will be piloted and evaluated.
The study’s findings will inform national policies and strategies, on how to best address cardiovascular risk in patients with mental disorders and the role of general practice in this regard.
Skills Required
(If applying for this project you will be asked to outline how you meet the skills required below)
- Bachelor’s degree (2:1 or equivalent) in health or related areas.
- Demonstrated experience of research methodologies.
- Demonstrated experience of data analysis.
- Demonstrated commitment to work in a multi-disciplinary, multi-site team.
- Demonstrated commitment to research and publications.
- Understanding of the operational requirements for a successful research project and ability to outline a research project.
- Excellent Communication Skills (Oral, Written, Presentation etc).
- Excellent Organisational and Administrative skills including a proven ability to work to deadlines.
- Candidates must demonstrate an awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion agenda.
- Masters level qualification in health or related area.
- Demonstrated interest in general practice and research.
- Previous research experience – Research experience with published papers as first author.
- Evidence of research activity (publications, conference presentations, awards).
Supervisory team:
Prof Walter Cullen, PI/Primary Supervisor
Section of General Practice Forensic & Legal Medicine, UCD
Research Studies Panel
Prof Brian O’Donoghue, Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, UCD
A/Prof Joseph Gallagher, Associate Clinical Professor, School of Medicine, UCD
A/Prof Mary Casey, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems, UCD
Prof Patricia Fitzpatrick, Professor of Public Health, School of Public Health, UCD
In addition, the Scholar will be supported by a Advisory Committee that includes colleagues from: UCD School of Psychology, UCD Clinical Research Centre, as well as Irish Heart Foundation, Health Service Executive., Irish College of General Practitioners.
This project will be based in UCD.