Structured Population and Health-services Research Education
2022 Poster Presentations
Poster Presentations for the SPHeRE Network 8th Annual Conference “Wicked Policy Problems – Pulling Back the Curtain”
Please click the posters below to see a full sized version.
Dr Arianna Almirall Sanchez-Engagement in Irish Health Care System. General trends and particular features by subgroups
Ms Lynn Buckley-The impact of community-based paediatric clinics on the developmental outcomes of children living in disadvantaged communities
Dr David Byrne-Clinical Study Reports published by the European Medicines Agency 2015-2018: A cross-sectional analysis
Dr Karen Cardwell-Processes for updating clinical guidelines: A systematic review
Aisling Croke-The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of integrating clinical pharmacists within general practice to optimise prescribing and health outcomes in primary care patients with polypharmacy: A systematic review
Dr Laura Dooley-Policy responses to Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance in Ireland: A Collaborative Approach to a Wicked Problem
Katie Duffy-Perinatal Mortality in Ireland: Socio-economic and ethnic inequalities
Dr Laura Gleeson-Medication Safety Incidents Associated with the Remote Delivery of Primary Care: A Rapid Review
Dr Marita Hennessy-Involving a diverse stakeholder group in the development of guideline-based care quality indicators: Insights from the RECURRENT Project
Mr James Larkin-The Association between Multimorbidity and Out-Of-Pocket Healthcare Expenditure among Community-Dwelling Adults: Findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)
Mr James Larkin-Variation in prescription drug prices in community pharmacies: A national cross-sectional study
Ms Karen Jordan-Clinical efficacy and safety of metabolic surgery for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity: A systematic review
Ms Karen Jordan-Cost-effectiveness of metabolic surgery for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity: A systematic review of economic evaluations
Yi-Shu Lin-Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Colorectal Cancer Screening Programmes: A Systematic Review of Reporting and Strategy Inclusion and Comparison
Ms Soraya Matthews-Palliative Care Effects on Hospital Mortality and Utilization: Causal Evidence from a Quasi Experimental, Nationwide Evaluation in Ireland
Ms Grainne McGettrick-The 2019 neuro-rehabilitation implementation framework in Ireland: Challenges for implementation and the implications for people with brain injuries
Ms Maeve McGovern-Experiences, attitudes, and wellbeing of university students of a period of restricted movement and self-testing during COVID-19 iSWAB study
Dr Niall McGrane-Contributing factors in notifiable events from residential care facilities
Dr Helen O’Donnell-Duration of protective immunity following COVID-19 vaccination: A rapid review
Rajani Pokharel-Colorectal Cancer (CRC) screening intensity in Europe: A systematic review of Cost Effectiveness Analyses (CEAs) addressing the question of optimal policy choice
Miss Clodagh Scannell-Poor Awareness of Cancer Risk Factors in a Population of Irish Males
Dr Melissa Sharp-Melissa Sharp-The effectiveness and acceptability of evidence synthesis summary formats for clinical guidelines development groups: A mixed methods systematic review
Mr Ciarán Smiddy-Retrospective audit of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Spinal patients at the Mater Private Network Cork: 2019 vs 2021
Dr Susan Spillane-Review of processes in use to inform policy-making on the expansion of newborn bloodspot screening (NBS) programmes
Ms Gintare Valentelyte-Activity Based Funding of Irish Public Hospitals: Strengthening the Implementation
Dr Kieran Walsh-Effectiveness of rapid antigen testing for screening of asymptomatic individuals to limit the transmission of SARS-CoV-2: A rapid review
If you have any questions for any of the authors of the posters please email